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Applying for a refund of franking credits

How to apply for a refund of franking credits for your not-for-profit organisation after the relevant income year.

Last updated 14 November 2024

When you can apply for a refund

Eligibility for a refund of franking credits is worked out annually at the end of each income year. Eligible not-for-profit organisations can apply for a refund after the end of the relevant income year, that is:

  • if your income year ends on 30 June, on or after 1 July
  • if you have an ATO-approved substituted accounting period (SAP), from the day after your SAP has ended.

Organisations cannot apply for early refunds before the end of your relevant income year. For example, your organisation cannot submit an application before 1 July for franked dividends paid in the prior year ended 30 June or for the entitlement to franked distributions for that prior year.

Your organisation can only lodge one application for a refund of franking credits for a particular income year.

If you have made a mistake on your application – such as if you find you have not included information from franked dividend or franked distribution statements in your application – you can write to us to change your application.

If you haven't claimed your franking credits

There are no time limits on lodging an application to claim franking credits. Your organisation can claim a refund of franking credits for a particular income year later on. For example, you can still claim a refund of franking credits received in the 2015 income year by completing the claim form for that year.

It is your responsibility to notify us of your eligibility to claim a refund.

Franking credits you can claim

For the relevant income year, your organisation can apply for a refund of franking credits for:

  • franked dividends from companies
  • entitlements to franked distributions from trusts or managed funds.

How to apply for a refund

Endorsed income tax-exempt entities and deductible gift recipients (DGRs) can apply for a refund of franking credits. If your organisation is eligible and wants to apply for a refund, you will need to complete the Application for refund of franking credits form (NAT 4131 PDF, 287KB).

Send your completed application form to us by either:

  • mail to
    Australian Taxation Office
    PO  Box  1032
    ALBURY  NSW  2640
  • fax to 1300 730 298.

If you send it to another ATO address, your refund may be delayed.

You cannot apply for a refund of franking credits electronically.

You cannot apply for this refund using a tax return form or activity statement.

Do not use this form if you are an individual claiming a refund of franking credits in your own capacity. If you are an individual, you must use a different form.

You cannot apply electronically

You cannot apply electronically through tax agents or the practitioner lodgment service (PLS). We can only accept an application for a refund of franking credits on your organisation's application form.

If your organisation's name or address has changed

If your organisation's name or address has changed, you need to update your details with us.

You can update your registered business details online, by phone, or through your registered tax agent or BAS agent.

Lodging for each separate entity in the group

You need to lodge a separate application for each separate entity in the group. You can only apply for a refund of franking credits under the name of the entity.

