Item 12 Core technology - deductible amount

Last updated 23 June 2008

At item 12 include deductions for core technology expenditure as defined in subsection 73B(1) and (1AB) of ITAA 1936. Core technology expenditure includes expenditure incurred in acquiring, or in acquiring the right to use, core technology for R&D activities that are carried on by the company or on its behalf.

Subsection 73B(12A) of ITAA 1936 limits how much core technology expenditure incurred in a year of income can be deducted. A maximum of one-third of R&D expenditure incurred during the year on R&D activities related to the core technology can be deducted.

Under subsections 73B(12A) and 73B(12B) of ITAA 1936, any undeducted core technology expenditure amounts can be carried forward to future years when the company undertakes R&D activities related to the core technology.


You may need to make an adjustment if core technology is disposed of (subsections 73B(12A) and 73B(12B) of ITAA 1936).

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If core technology expenditure is deductible under subsection 73B(12A) and, as a result of the company joining a consolidated group, the tax cost of the core technology asset is 'set' (see section 701-10 and 701-55 of ITAA 1997), you may need to make an adjustment to any deductions allowable for the decline in value of that asset under Division 40 (ITAA 1997). (See section 73BAF of ITAA 1936.)

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At S and T enter the total amount of deductible core technology expenditure for the year (after the operation of subsection 73B(12A) of ITAA 1936).


The amount at S must equal the amount at T otherwise a warning message 'Your claim does not balance' will display in the Excel spreadsheet.

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