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Completing company information and preliminary calculation

Last updated 18 September 2022

Instructions for completing company information and preliminary calculation.

Original or amended schedule

If you have already lodged a Research and development tax incentive schedule 2022, place an X in the box at Amended schedule. Otherwise, place an X in the box at Original.

Company name

Show the name of the company, that is, the name of the company lodging the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2022. The name you show on the schedule must be the same as that shown on the company's tax return.

Tax file number (TFN)

Show the TFN, that is, the TFN of the company lodging the Research and development tax incentive schedule. The TFN you show on the schedule must be the same as that shown on the company's tax return.

AusIndustry – IISA

Show the AusIndustry–Industry Innovation and Science Australia (IISA) registration number issued to you for registered R&D activities for this income year. If you are only claiming expenditure incurred to an associate in an earlier income year that you paid in the current year, you need to include your AusIndustry–IISA registration number for the income year that registration was obtained for the related R&D activities. For the period you are part of a consolidated group, only the head company should apply for registration under the R&D tax incentive.

Australian business number (ABN)

Show your ABN, that is, the ABN of the company lodging the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2022. The ABN you show on the schedule must be the same as that shown on the company's tax return.

Preliminary calculation – Add back of research and development (R&D) accounting expenditure

At D Preliminary calculation show the total of amounts shown at the expenditure labels in item 6 Calculation of total profit or loss in the Company tax return 2022 (NAT 0656) that relate to amounts that you are claiming as a notional R&D deduction under the R&D tax incentive provisions. Generally, these amounts include expenditure for accounting purposes on R&D activities, which are used in calculating the R&D tax offset, rather than being claimed as allowable deductions.

The Income and Expenses amounts you show at item 6 Calculation of total profit or loss are accounting system amounts that correspond to the amounts in your financial statements. Do not include accounting fees here.

At D Preliminary calculation you also need to include amounts that you have shown at the expenditure labels in item 6 Calculation of total profit or loss in the Company tax return 2022 which you have incurred to your associates that are not yet paid or claimed and are to be carried forward. For more information, see Part C – R&D expenditure to associates.

The amount shown at D Preliminary calculation in the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2022 must be the same as the amount shown at D item 7 Accounting expenditure in item 6 subject to R&D tax incentive in the Company tax return 2022.

If you have not shown expense amounts for R&D deductions and R&D expenditure to associates to be carried forward at item 6 Calculation of total profit or loss in the Company tax return 2022 (if, for example, those amounts are capitalised for accounting purposes) show 0 (zero) at:

Continue to: Part A – Calculation of notional R&D deduction
