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Who must complete a Research and development tax incentive schedule?

Last updated 9 August 2023

Information about who must complete the Research and development tax incentive schedule.

You must complete and lodge a Research and development incentive schedule 2023 if you make a claim at item 21 Non-refundable R&D tax offset – label A or item 21 Refundable R&D tax offset – label U in your Company tax return 2023 for an R&D tax offset under the R&D tax incentive, that is, Division 355 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997).

If you have additional assessable income in relation to a clawback amount covered by Part B of this schedule, but are not claiming a tax offset under the R&D tax incentive in this year of income:

  • you do not need to complete the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2023
  • you need to work out the clawback amount and include it at item 21 Clawback amounts – additional assessable income – label W and at item 7 Other assessable income – label B in the Company tax return 2023 (see Part B for information about how you work out your clawback amount).

If you have a deductible balancing adjustment amount covered by Part B of this schedule, but are not claiming a tax offset under the R&D tax incentive in this year of income:

  • you do not need to complete the Research and development incentive schedule 2023
  • you need to work out the catch up deduction for the deductible balancing adjustment and include it at item 21 Balancing adjustments – catch up deduction – label X and at item 7 Other deductible expenses – label X in the Company tax return 2023 (see Part B for information to work out your deductible balancing adjustment).

Continue to: Who can claim the R&D tax incentive?
