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Section B: Member's details

Last updated 16 September 2021

Provide the following information about the member you are rolling over the payment for:

  • full name
  • date of birth
  • sex
  • residential address.

You must give this information to the receiving fund unless you do not have the information. For example, if you only hold a postal address for the member then you need to leave the residential address blank.


  • You must provide the member's tax file number (TFN) on the RBS unless one of the following exceptions apply 
    • you do not hold a TFN for the member
    • the member has requested in writing that you not provide their TFN to the receiving fund.

If you aren't providing their TFN, you should explain to the member that there are significant consequences for them and the receiving super fund, including:

  • the receiving fund not being able to accept their member contributions, such as personal contributions, super co-contributions, low income super contributions (LISC) or from 1 July 2017 low income superannuation tax offset (LISTO)
  • having to pay additional tax on some contributions, such as employer contributions.
