Did the SMSF earn income from a forestry managed investment scheme (FMIS)?
No | Leave X blank. Go to D1 and D. |
Yes | Read on. |
Write at X the SMSF's income from all FMISs. The amount at X should not be reduced by any loss or outgoing related to the income.
You can read more about calculating FMIS income at Appendix 2: Forestry managed investment schemes.
If you include an amount at X that is exempt current pension income, include it also at Y Exempt current pension income.
Do not include capital gains from an FMIS at X; include these capital gains when working out the SMSF's net capital gain to show at A Net capital gain.
For more information on the CGT treatment of the SMSF’s forestry interests, see Capital gains tax.
If the SMSF is a member of a collapsed agribusiness managed investment scheme, see Collapse and restructure of agribusiness managed investment schemes – participant information.
Example: Forestry managed investment scheme income
In 2019–20, SMSF X had an investment with an FMIS. SMSF X received a statement from the FMIS. The statement shows that SMSF X's share of income from the FMIS during 2019–20 was $10,000.
SMSF X reports:
X Forestry managed investment scheme income in section B $10,000
Write the SMSF's share of any expenses at U1 or U2 Forestry managed investment scheme expenses in section C.
End of exampleContinue to: D1, D Foreign income questions