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F1 and F2 Insurance premiums – members

Did the SMSF have insurance to cover its members?

Last updated 6 August 2024

Did the SMSF have insurance to cover its members?


Leave F1 and F2 blank. Go to H1.


Read on.

Write at F1 and F2, as required, the amount of insurance premiums incurred by the SMSF for 2019–20 for insurance policies that provide cover to enable benefits to be paid for members.

F1 Deductible insurance premiums – members

Write at F1 the amount that is deductible for insurance premiums to provide benefits upon the death, existence of a terminal medical condition or temporary or permanent disability of a member:

If in 2019–20 the SMSF purchased or provided any of the following types of insurance, read on to find out what amount the SMSF is able to deduct:

A complying SMSF may instead choose to deduct an amount calculated using the formula in section 295-470 of the ITAA 1997 rather than claiming a deduction for insurance premiums paid, or an amount under the self-insurance provisions.

If the SMSF has exempt current pension income this does not affect the amount the SMSF is entitled to deduct for insurance premiums. For more information, see How expenses are treated when an SMSF has ECPI?

Since 1 July 2014, an SMSF trustee can no longer enter into insurance policies to provide benefits that are not consistent with the conditions of release in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR) for death, terminal medical condition, permanent incapacity and temporary incapacity.

However, this does not apply to the continued provision of insured benefits to members who joined the SMSF, and were covered by that insured benefit, before 1 July 2014 or to the provision of benefits under an approval that has been granted. (For more information see regulation 4.07D of the SISRExternal Link).

F2 Non-deductible insurance premiums – members

Write at F2, the amount that is not deductible for insurance premiums.

Non-deductible insurance premiums include:

  • any insurance premiums paid by a non-complying SMSF
  • payments for insurance that covers events other than death, the existence of a terminal medical condition, or temporary or permanent disability (for example, funeral insurance).

For more information, see Subdivision 295-G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Example: Insurance premiums for an SMSF, with or without ECPI (see note 1)

SMSF F is a complying SMSF that provides insurance for its members.

In 2019–20 SMSF F paid $10,000 for insurance premiums as follows:

  • $3,000 for death cover
  • $2,500 for terminal medical condition cover
  • $2,500 for temporary or permanent disability cover
  • $2,000 for cover of specified traumas (such as strokes) (see note 2).

SMSF F reports:

F1 Deductible insurance premiums $8,000

F2 Non-deductible insurance premiums $2,000


1: The amount of insurance premiums that the SMSF can deduct is not affected by any exempt current pension income.

2: This insurance policy started before 1 July 2014. The insurance only covers members who joined the SMSF before 1 July 2014. SMSF trustees are prohibited from obtaining a policy covering trauma insurance that started after 30 June 2014.

End of example

Whole of life policies

A complying SMSF can deduct 30% of the premium for a whole of life policy if all the individuals whose lives are insured are members of the SMSF. For more information see section 295-480 of the ITAA 1997 and Australian Taxation Office Interpretative Decision ATO ID 2009/100.

If the whole of life policy is bundled with other types of insurance, the SMSF can deduct 30% of the part of the insurance premium that is specified in the policy as being for a distinct part of the policy that would have been a whole of life policy if it had been a separate policy and all of the individuals whose lives are insured are members of the SMSF.

Endowment policies

A complying SMSF can deduct 10% of a premium for an endowment policy if all the individuals whose lives are insured are members of the SMSF. For more information on what an 'endowment policy' is for these purposes, see section 295-480 of the ITAA 1997.

If the endowment policy is bundled with other types of insurance, the SMSF can deduct 10% of the part of the insurance premium that is specified in the policy as being for a distinct part of the policy that would have been an endowment policy if it had been a separate policy and all of the individuals whose lives are insured are members of the SMSF.

Total and permanent disability (TPD) cover

TPD any occupation

'TPD any occupation' means insurance against the member suffering an illness or injury that is likely to result in the member’s permanent inability to work in any job for which the member is reasonably qualified by education, training or experience.

A complying SMSF can deduct 100% of insurance premiums for 'TPD any occupation' cover for its members as shown in table 6.

TPD own occupation

'TPD own occupation' means insurance against the member suffering an illness or injury that is likely to result in the member’s permanent inability to work in the member’s own occupation (other than in a substantially reduced capacity).

A complying SMSF can deduct a portion of insurance premiums for 'TPD own occupation' cover for its members, as shown in table 6.

Actuary certificate

An actuarial certificate is not required to be obtained in order to deduct:

  • the premium, or a proportion of the premium, as shown in table 6, or
  • a percentage of a part of a bundled insurance premium that is specified as being for a policy that would have been deductible if it had been a separate policy.

An actuarial certificate is required to be obtained in order to deduct:

  • a proportion other than that specified in table 6, or
  • an amount for a bundled insurance premium where no amount has been specified for insurance to provide superannuation benefits upon the death, existence of a terminal medical condition or disability of a member.

If an actuarial certificate is required it must be obtained before the date of lodgment of the annual return.

Table 6: Proportions of insurance premiums for TPD cover that are deductible (see note 1)

The SMSF can deduct:


TPD any occupation cover


TPD any occupation cover with one or more of the following inclusions:

  • activities of daily living
  • cognitive loss
  • loss of limb
  • domestic (home) duties



TPD own occupation cover


TPD own occupation cover with one or more of the following inclusions:

  • activities of daily living
  • cognitive loss
  • loss of limb
  • domestic (home) duties



TPD own occupation cover bundled with death (life) cover


TPD own occupation cover bundled with death (life) cover with one or more of the following inclusions:

  • activities of daily living
  • cognitive loss
  • loss of limb
  • domestic (home) duties



Note 1: This table shows the proportions of insurance premiums for TPD cover that are deductible under item 6 of the table in subsection 295-465(1) of the ITAA 1997 as specified in regulation 295-465.01 of the Income Tax Assessment Regulations 1997.

For information about deductions for premiums for total and permanent disability cover, see Taxation Ruling TR 2012/6.

Temporary disability

A complying SMSF may also deduct premiums on insurance policies to replace members' income during periods of their temporary disability.


Since 1 July 2013, an SMSF cannot enter into any new arrangements to provide self-insurance for a member. Even where the SMSF was providing self-insurance for a member on or before 1 July 2013, the arrangement must have ended before 1 July 2016. For more information see Regulation 4.07EExternal Link of Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994.

Continue to: H1 and H2 SMSF auditor fee
