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Instructions to complete your annual return

Last updated 25 May 2022

Instructions for completing the SMSF annual return. You must complete at least 6 sections (A, C, D, (F and/or G), H, K).

Section A: SMSF information (items 1 to 10)
Instructions to complete Section A, items 1 to 10 – SMSF information.

Section B: Income (item 11)
Complete this section if the SMSF has assessable income earned during the 2021–22 income year.

Section C: Deductions and non-deductible expenses (item 12)
You must complete Section C for the SMSF. Report all the SMSF's expenses, both deductible and non-deductible.

Section D: Income tax calculation statement (item 13)
You must complete Section D for the SMSF. Calculate the amount of tax and other charges payable by, or refundable to, the SMSF.

Section E: Losses (item 14)
Complete this section if the SMSF has tax losses or capital losses to carry forward to later income years.

Sections F and G: Member information and Supplementary member information
Complete Section F or G for the SMSF members to report contributions, other transactions, and accounts balances.

Section H: Assets and liabilities
You must complete section H for the SMSF. Report all of the SMSF's assets and liabilities at 30 June 2022.

Section I: Taxation of financial arrangements (item 17)
Complete this section if the taxation of financial arrangements provisions apply to the SMSF.

Section J: Other information
Complete this section if the SMSF has made or is making a family trust election or an interposed entity election.

Section K: Declarations
Complete this section for the SMSF. Declare that you have met your obligations in relation to the SMSF annual return.
