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Completing the tax return

Last updated 2 October 2019

If a payment is due (now or later) or a refund is due, print Y for yes or N for no in the respective payment and refund boxes.

Print the entity’s name, tax file number (TFN) and Australian business number (ABN) in the boxes provided.

If the postal address of the body corporate has not changed from that used to complete its income tax return for the last tax return lodged, print the address exactly as shown in that tax return under ‘Current postal address’.

If the postal address of the body corporate has changed from that used for the last tax return lodged, print the previous postal address exactly as shown in that tax return under ‘Postal address on previous tax return’.

Location of strata title body corporate

Print the street address of the body corporate. This may not necessarily be the same as the postal address of the body corporate.

Final tax return

If you consider that the strata title body corporate will not be required to lodge a tax return in future years, print Final in the block provided.
