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Instructions to complete the strata title body corporate return 2024

Instructions for how to complete the Strata title body corporate tax return 2024.

Published 29 May 2024

Is a payment or refund due?

If a payment is due (now or later) or a refund is due, print Y for yes or N for no in the respective payment and refund boxes.

TFN, body corporate name and ABN

Write the tax file number (TFN), body corporate’s name and Australian business number (ABN) in the boxes.

Current postal address and previous address

If the postal address of the body corporate has not changed from that shown on the last tax return lodged, print the address exactly as shown on that tax return under ‘Current postal address’.

If the postal address of the body corporate has changed from that shown on the last tax return lodged, print the previous postal address exactly as shown on that tax return under ‘Postal address on previous tax return’.

Location of strata title body corporate

Write the street address of the body corporate. This may not necessarily be the same as the postal address of the body corporate.

Final tax return

If you consider that the strata title body corporate will not be required to lodge a tax return in future years, print FINAL in the block provided.

Electronic funds transfer (EFT)

We need your financial institution details to pay any refund owing to you, even if you have provided them to us before, including:

  • Bank State Branch (BSB) number (this number has 6 digits, don't include spaces or hyphens)
  • account number (this number has no more than 9 digits, don't include spaces or hyphens)
  • account name, for example JQ Citizen. Don't show account type, such as cheque, savings, mortgage offset in the account name. Include spaces between each word and initials where required. If it exceeds 32 characters, provide the first 32 characters only.

Your refund can only be paid into a recognised financial institution account located in Australia.

Calculation of total profit or loss

Complete the income and expenses to calculate total profit or loss.


Complete the following questions where applicable:

Gross interest

At label F write the amount of interest received or credited during the income year.

Exclude interest from proprietors for late payment of levies.

Gross rent and other leasing and hiring income

At label G write the total of these types of income received.

Individual proprietors may be taxed on this type of income, rather than the body corporate, where it is income from common property.

Other gross income

At label R write the total of other gross income, for example, inspection fees or access fees, except where received from a proprietor. Don't include receipts that are subject to the principle of mutuality.

If the amount at label R is a loss, print L in the CODE box at the right of the amount.

Total income

At label S write the total of amounts shown at labels F, G and R.

If the amount at label S is a loss, print L in the CODE box at the right of the amount.

For more information, see Taxation Ruling TR 2015/3 Income tax: matters relating to strata title bodies constituted under strata title legislation.


At label S Expenses in earning income write the total of all expenses incurred by the strata title body corporate in deriving its assessable income. You may need to apportion some expenses, for example, if an expense relates to both assessable income and receipts that are subject to the principle of mutuality (which are not assessable).

Total expenses

At label Q write the amount shown at label S Expenses in earning income.

Total profit or loss

At label T Total profit or loss write the amount at label S Total income minus the amount at label Q Total expenses. This is the net amount of income received by the strata title body corporate during the income year, and does not include receipts subject to the principle of mutuality. If this amount is a loss, print L in the box at the right of the amount.

For more information, see Taxation Ruling TR 2015/3 Income tax: matters relating to strata title bodies constituted under strata title legislation.

Reconciliation to taxable income or loss

At question 7 Taxable income or loss – label T write the amount shown at question 6 Total profit or loss – label T. If this amount is a loss, print L in the box at the right of the amount.

You must include an amount here even if it is zero (if zero write 0).

Calculation statement

You must complete labels A and T5 of the calculation statement. Label I has already been completed for you.

Taxable income

At label A write the amount shown at question 7 Taxable income or loss – label T.

  • You must include an amount at label A even if it is zero (if zero write 0).
  • If the amount is a loss, write ‘0’ (zero) at label A.

Gross tax

At label B write the amount of tax payable before the allowance of any credits.

  • The standard company tax rate is 30%, therefore multiply the amount at question 7 – label T by 30% (or use 25% if you satisfy the reduced corporate tax rate rules). Write this answer at label B.
  • If label A was ‘0’ (zero), write ‘0’ (zero) at label B.

Tax payable

At label T5 write the amount shown at label B Gross tax.

You must include an amount at this label even if it is zero (if zero write 0).

Tax withheld from interest or investments

At label H4 write any amounts deducted from investment income because a TFN was not provided to the investment body.

Eligible credits

At label H write the amount shown at label H4 on this calculation statement.

Tax offset refunds

As tax offset refunds cannot be claimed in the Strata title body corporate tax return 2024, label I is pre-filled with ‘0.00’. A strata title body corporate is not generally entitled to claim any refundable tax offsets resulting in tax offset refunds. A company entitled to tax offset refunds must lodge a Company tax return 2024.

Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments raised

At label K write any PAYG instalments that have been raised for the 2023–24 tax liability.

Amount due or refundable

To calculate the amount at label S, add labels H and K, then subtract the total from label T5.

  • If the amount at label S is positive, that amount is payable by you.
  • If the amount at label S is negative, that amount is refundable to you.

Hours taken to prepare and complete this tax return

We are committed to reducing the costs involved in complying with your tax obligations. By completing label J you will help us monitor these costs closely.

Your response is voluntary.

When completing this question consider the time, rounded to the nearest hour, that you spent:

  • reading the instructions
  • collecting the necessary information to complete this tax return
  • making necessary calculations
  • completing this tax return or putting the tax affairs of the strata title body corporate in order, so that the information could be handed to a tax agent.

Your answer should relate only to the time the strata title body corporate and tax agent (if you have one) spent preparing and completing the tax return, including the time of any unpaid helpers. Tax agents preparing this tax return on behalf of their client should consult with them to obtain a reliable estimate.


The public officer is responsible for doing all things required by the company under section 252 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or the Regulations. In case of default they are liable to incur the same penalties. For example, the public officer is responsible for lodging the company tax return. If the tax return is lodged late the public officer may be liable for a penalty for failure to lodge on time.

Continue to: How to lodge and pay
