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Last updated 6 November 2014

You can phone the Tax Office

You can phone the Tax Office if you need assistance with a question in TaxPack, including the supplement, or another matter concerning your tax affairs. If you decide to phone us, please have your TaxPack or supplement handy. Refer to the Tax Office contacts list for telephone contact numbers.

You can ask for a taxation ruling

If you have a complex enquiry about your tax affairs, you may want to ask for a private ruling.

To do this, complete an Application for a private ruling for individuals (NAT 13742).

A private ruling relates only to your particular situation. Your tax return should reflect what the private ruling says. You may need to change your tax return if you lodge it before you receive your private ruling.

The Tax Office publishes all private rulings on its internet site. What we publish will not contain anything which could identify you. For more information, see How to apply for a private ruling.

You can ask for a review of your private ruling if you disagree with it even if you have not yet received your assessment. You can find out more about objection procedures from the Tax Office branch that made your ruling.

Oral rulings

The Tax Office provides oral rulings on non-complex individual non-business enquiries.

You can apply for an oral ruling by phone. To do so you will need to confirm your identity. Your tax file number and most recent notice of assessment will usually be sufficient proof of identity.

We will confirm your eligibility for an oral ruling by asking you a series of questions to confirm that your enquiry is eligible to be ruled on.

To get further information on oral rulings, or to apply for a ruling, phone us on 13 28 61.
