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Trust information

Instructions to complete the information that identifies the trust in the tax return.

Published 30 May 2024

Tax file number (TFN)

Show the TFN of the trust in the boxes provided.

Attachments to the tax return

If these instructions ask you to provide additional information, attach the additional information to the tax return and print X in the Yes box at Have you attached any ‘other attachments’?.

If you complete the tax return, and you don't need to attach any other documents to it, print X in the No box.

Name of trust

Show the name of the trust in the boxes provided. The trust name should be consistent from year to year, except in the year of a name change.

If the name of the trust has legally changed, you need to advise us in writing or over the phone before you lodge the trust tax return.

Australian business number (ABN)

Show the ABN of the trust in the boxes provided if the trust is registered in the Australian Business Register.

The ABN is a unique business identifierExternal Link used in dealings with government. To be entitled to an ABN the entity must be in business. Any income earned under an ABN must be reported in the trust tax return.

Previous name of trust, current and previous postal address

Show as shown on the last trust tax return lodged the:

  • previous name of the trust (if applicable)
  • current postal address
  • postal address on previous tax return (if applicable).

Use C/– when ‘care of’ is part of an address. It is the only acceptable format. Using any other term will delay the processing of the tax return.

Full name of the trustee to whom notices should be sent

Show the family name and given names of the trustee to whom notices should be sent. If the trustee is a company, show the name and ABN of the company.

If the trust comprises the property of a bankrupt and the estate is being administered by the Official Receiver, print OFFICIAL TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY in the box provided for the company name. Leave the individual name box blank.

Daytime contact phone number

Show a phone number that we can contact the trustee on during business hours.

Continue to: Trust election status trust type details and tax payable
