Set up AUSid for overseas limited registered entities accessing Online services for non-residents to report and pay GST.

Last updated 31 July 2022

About AUSid

AUSid is a secure way to access our Online services for non-residentsExternal Link.

Online services for non-residents is for individuals associated with overseas limited registered entities that use simplified GST registration. It allows them to register, report and pay goods and services tax GST in Australia.

Creating an AUSid account

To use AUSid:

Step 1: Download and install AUSid

To download and install AUSid, choose your desktop device's operating system:

If you have trouble installing or using AUSid, check with your IT systems administrator that:

  • the Windows 10 store is enabled and accessible
  • you have the correct permissions to install AUSid on your computer
  • you have given '' access to your network (whitelisted). You must do this so AUSid can receive and process login requests
  • your Wi-Fi or router allows access to ''. Look up how to log in and change configuration for your specific router.

Alternatively, you can try installing AUSid on a computer that isn’t part of this network and service your login requests from there.

Step 2: Create an AUSid account

To create your AUSid account, open the AUSid application installed on your device and enter the following details:

  • username (must be unique)
  • password
  • given name (first name)
  • family name (surname)
  • date of birth
  • email address (must be unique).

Step 3: Log in to Online services for non-residents

  1. Go to Online services for non-residentsThis link opens in a new window and select Login.
  2. Enter your username and select Submit.
  3. Open your AUSid application and enter your password to accept the request.

Once you've logged in to Online services for non-residents using your AUSid, you can register for simplified GST.

We recommend that more than one individual has an AUSid and is listed in the simplified GST registration as an authorised user. This ensures you and authorised staff can report and pay GST for your business.

Each individual needs their own AUSid, it must not be shared with others.


You can troubleshoot most AUSid issues such as:

Forgot your password

If you have forgotten your password, you can still access your AUSid account:

  1. Open AUSid on the original device used to setup your AUSid account.
  2. Select Manage your details.
  3. Select Forgotten your password.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

Use your AUSid on another device

To access your existing AUSid on a new device:

  1. Open AUSid on the original device used to setup your AUSid account.
  2. Select Manage your details.
  3. Display the unique Recovery code.
  4. Open AUSid on your new device.
  5. Select I already have an account.
  6. Enter the Recovery code with your account details.
  7. Enter your new password.

If you have an older version, you may need to download and install AUSid again to use these functions. Don't uninstall your existing AUSid application.

Error 31207 (500)

If you get 'error 31207 (500) System unavailable':

  1. Open AUSid on the original device used to setup your AUSid account.
  2. Select Manage your details.
  3. Select Forgotten your password.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

If you don't know the registered AUSid details or don't have access to the email address registered for your AUSid, you must create a new AUSid.

Your new AUSid can be linked to your business by an existing AUSid holder or by contacting us for assistance.

Request help

If you need help accessing your AUSid account or managing authorisations to access your simplified GST registration, see How to use Online services for non-residents.

If you're still having issues, contact us. Tell us the reason for your request and your AUSid account details, including:

  • the reason for your request, for example
    • I need to add or remove AUSid authorised users to access my simplified GST registration
    • I forgot my AUSid password
    • I need to set up my AUSid account on another device
    • I have deleted my AUSid application and want to access my AUSid account on an existing device
    • I can't access my AUSid account.
  • your Australian reference number (ARN)
    • If you haven't registered for simplified GST, you won't have an ARN and we can't prove your identity.
  • information to verify your registration, or you're an authorised contact for simplified GST registration
    • your AUSid username or email address
    • given name (first name)
    • family name (surname)
    • date of birth
    • business name
    • any 3 of the following details from your simplified GST registration
      • address
      • reference number from an ATO-generated letter
      • date of registration
      • payment details (amount and date of payment).

How to use Online services for non-residents

If you are a non-resident and need more help using functions in Online services for non-residentsExternal Link, you can find more details on simplified GST registration for assistance.

To keep your account up to date and secure, make sure you register for simplified GST and review your authorised contacts to add, remove or link to your AUSid and simplified GST accounts.

Contact us

For AUSid enquiries or technical support:

  • email us at If you need technical support, you must provide
    • the step in the process you were trying to action, including the date and time the error occurred, the error code or screen message, screen shots and what you were trying to action
    • your contact information, including the email address you used for registration.
  • phone us on +61 2 6216 1111. Our business hours are between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday (except for national public holidays).

    Tell the operator to connect you to 1300 146 094, then wait until you hear instructions to enter 118#. You will be transferred to an officer who can help you
  • phone our free interpreting service on +61 3 9268 8332 and ask to be connected to 1300 146 094.

Terms and conditions of use

The AUSid system terms and conditions may change over time. They are current at the time they are published on this page.

By using the AUSid system, you agree to be bound by the AUSid terms and conditions current at each time of use.

AUSid security credential

An AUSid security credential is all login details and personal information that may be used to access AUSid accounts, for example a username and password.

Access and data security – account-holder responsibilities

To keep your account secure, you must:

  • always keep your AUSid security credential secure – don't disclose or share it with others
  • ensure that no other person has access to your AUSid security credential
  • log out from the AUSid system when you're not using it
  • lock or secure your computer or device if its shared, or left unattended
  • only use your AUSid account in accordance with the AUSid terms and conditions, for purposes you're authorised for at the relevant time of access
  • notify the ATO immediately if you suspect that the security of your AUSid account has been compromised
  • not use your AUSid account for any unlawful or improper purpose.

Suspension or cancellation of AUSid account

The ATO retains the right to suspend or cancel your AUSid account at any time where it suspects any of the following has occurred:

  • there has been unauthorised access of your AUSid account
  • your AUSid account has been used for a purpose for which you weren't properly authorised at the relevant time of access
  • your AUSid account is being used for any unlawful or improper purpose.

Warranties and indemnity

The ATO gives no express or implied warranties in relation to the AUSid system or its use.

All statutory warranties are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, expressly excluded. You warrant that:

  • the personal information supplied by you in connection with your AUSid account is true and accurate
  • you have read and understood the AUSid terms and conditions
  • you have complied with the AUSid terms and conditions current at each time of use
  • your use of the AUSid system is properly authorised at the relevant time of access
  • agree to indemnify the ATO against any loss or claim arising from either       
    • your non-compliance with the AUSid terms and conditions
    • acting in a manner or for a purpose for which you are not authorised at the relevant time of access.

Except that your liability will be reduced to the extent that any wilful, negligent, or unlawful act or omission by the ATO contributed to the loss or claim.

Privacy notice

We collect personal information about you when you use this application. This personal information may include details that identify an individual.

This notice explains how we manage the personal information we collect.

We will collect your name, date of birth, email address and username for the purposes of creating and managing your AUSid account. Your AUSid account can be used as an authentication credential to register for and access your simplified GST registration.

If we don't collect this information you won't be able to create an AUSid account. We may disclose the personal information to other agencies where we're authorised or required to do so by law.

The ATO’s privacy policy contains important information about your privacy, including how you can access and seek correction of information we hold about you, how to make a complaint if you think we have breached the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with any privacy complaints.
