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Reach Out - Indigenous business support program

Support for Indigenous small businesses to help them meet their tax and superannuation obligations.

Last updated 30 June 2024

Blue green orange pink circles of Indigenous artwork. There is no text.

Reach Out is our Indigenous business support program that works with Indigenous small businesses to help them meet their tax and superannuation obligations.

The program is one of several Australian Government initiatives introduced to increase the economic participation of Indigenous Australians by helping them build sustainable businesses that will support:

  • themselves
  • their families
  • their communities.

The program works to:

  • improve the business and financial acumen of Indigenous business owners making it easier for them to take part in the tax and super systems
  • provide tailored support and education to Indigenous small businesses to  
    • build their business and financial literacy
    • raise awareness about managing their obligations
  • recognise the economic importance of the Indigenous small businesses
  • build a connection with the Indigenous community to work together to support and influence Indigenous business
  • build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous partners and other government and non-government agencies
  • provide career development opportunities for our Indigenous staff and develop cultural awareness amongst all ATO staff.

The Reach Out program is another step we are taking to support Indigenous small businesses and develop their staff to drive change for themselves and their communities. 

If you’re running an Indigenous small business and want to know more about the program, email us at

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