What you can do

You can help protect Australia from tax crime and keep the system fair for everyone.

Last updated 6 February 2020

Tax crime threatens the revenue our governments use to provide services to the community, and disadvantages Australians who do the right thing.

You can help protect Australia from tax crime and keep the system fair for everyone. We will follow up on any information you give us. However, due to privacy reasons, we will not be able to report back to you on other people's tax affairs.

Make a tip-off

Help us ensure everyone pays their fair share of tax. You can tell us about:

  • demanding or paying for work cash in hand to avoid obligations
  • not reporting or under-reporting income
  • underpayment of wages
  • bypassing visa restrictions and visa fraud
  • identity fraud
  • ABN, goods and services tax (GST) and duty fraud
  • illegal drugs and tobacco
  • sham contracting – presenting an employment relationship as a contracting arrangement
  • illegal phoenixing – deliberately liquidating and re-forming a business to avoid obligations
  • involvement in tax avoidance schemes that go beyond the policy intent of the law and involve deliberate steps to avoid the tax and super systems
  • excise evasion
  • illegal purchase of Australian property by a non-resident
  • money laundering
  • unregulated gambling
  • counterfeit goods.

If you know or suspect a person or a business is not playing fair by participating in phoenix, tax evasion and shadow economy activities, you can report them by:

  • completing a tip-off form. The form is also available in the Contact us section of the ATO app
  • calling us on 1800 060 062.

See also:

Protect your information and your identity

We take the security and privacy of your personal and tax information very seriously. We safeguard your identity using systems and controls to ensure your information and transactions are safe. You also play a big part in protecting your information and making sure it is safe online.

See also:

Tax whistleblowers

A new measure has been introduced by the government to better protect tax whistleblowers. This measure better protects individuals who report breaches or suspected breaches of tax law. It also protects individuals who report misconduct relating to an entity’s tax affairs. There are conditions that need to be met to qualify for protection as a tax whistleblower.

See also:

Tell us if your identity has been compromised so we can help you

If you think your identity has been compromised, lost, stolen or misused, we can give you information, advice and help to re-establish your identity.

Contact our Client Identity Support Centre by phone on 1800 467 033 (8.00am–6.00pm, Monday–Friday) or by email.

See also:

If you are a victim of tax fraud

Find out what you can do if you have been, or suspect you have been, the victim of tax fraud, and what support is available.

See also:

Find out what you can do if you've been, or suspect you've been, the victim of tax fraud, and what support is available.
