Deceased estates
What to do when someone dies, getting authority to deal with the ATO, lodging a final tax return, and trust tax returns.
Use this step-by-step checklist to manage tax for a deceased estate.
How to become a legal personal representative (LPR), get a grant of probate and appoint a tax agent.
Who can notify us, how to notify, and what documents you will need.
Who can access the tax and super information we hold, and how to get it.
Work out if a 'date of death' tax return is required, how to lodge, and who can receive any refund.
When and how to lodge a trust tax return, income to include, how tax applies, how to get a TFN and ABN, and tax rates.
Check that all tax obligations are complete before the final distribution of the deceased estate.
Work out if there is tax on money or assets you inherited, or are presently entitled to.