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Offset for maintaining an invalid or invalid carer

Check if you can claim a tax offset for maintaining an invalid or invalid carer who is 16 years old or older.

Last updated 24 June 2024

When you can claim the tax offset

You may be able to claim a tax offset if you maintain a certain invalid or invalid carer.

The invalid or carer must be both:

  • 16 years old or older
  • receiving certain government payments.

You can't claim the tax offset if the invalid or carer is either:

  • your spouse and your adjusted taxable income in 2023–24 is more than $112,578
  • not your spouse and your and your spouse's adjusted taxable income in 2023–24 is more than $112,578.

Maintaining an invalid

You may claim an invalid tax offset for maintaining an invalid if:

  • they are either your  
    • spouse
    • child 16 years old or older
    • sibling 16 years old or older
    • spouse's child 16 years old or older
    • spouse's sibling 16 years old or older
    • parent
    • spouse's parent
  • they receive either  
    • a disability support pension under the Social Security Act 1991
    • a special needs disability support pension under the Social Security Act 1991
    • an invalidity service pension under the Veterans’ Entitlement Act 1986
  • they are either
    • an Australian resident for tax purposes
    • your spouse or child who is not an Australian resident for tax purposes and you have a domicile in Australia.

Maintaining an invalid carer

You may claim an invalid carer tax offset for maintaining an invalid carer if:

  • they are either your  
    • spouse
    • parent
    • spouse's parent
  • they care for either  
    • your or your spouse’s invalid child 16 years old or older
    • your or your spouse's sibling 16 years old or older
  • they receive a carer payment or carer allowance under the Social Security Act 1991 for that person
  • they have been wholly engaged in providing care to an invalid person receiving either  
    • a disability support pension under the Social Security Act 1991
    • a special needs disability support pension under the Social Security Act 1991
    • an invalidity service pension under the Veterans’ Entitlement Act 1986.

Calculate the invalid or invalid carer tax offset

You need to calculate the amount of tax offset you can claim in your tax return.

Use the calculator below to work out how much you can claim. Claim the amount at Other tax offsets in your tax return.

Invalid and invalid carer tax offset
