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Keeping good investment records

Check which records to keep to help you report your investment income accurately and claim deductions.

Last updated 16 June 2024

What records to keep

Generally, for investments you will need to keep your records for 5 years after we've processed your return.

You need to keep records relating to your investments showing:

  • how much you paid for them
  • what you received if you disposed of them
  • what income you received from them
  • the expenses you incurred in owning them and maintaining them.

You should keep records if you prepare your own tax return or use a tax agent.

For more information about the records you need for investments and assets, see:

Asset registers

You can set up an asset register as an easy way to keep your records. Once you have entered your information into the register, you may be able to throw out records (after 5 years) you would otherwise have to keep for a long time.

