Rental expenses
Check the expenses you can claim as a deduction for your rental property.
How and when to claim your rental expenses, expenses you can't claim and how to include deductions in your tax return.
Check the common rental expenses you can claim a deduction for.
How to claim a deduction for depreciating assets and work out decline in value.
Find out how and when to claim your repair and maintenance expenses.
What to do with your capital expenses, including capital works, improvements, and substantial renovations.
Find out which borrowing expenses you can claim, and how to claim them.
Find out which interest expenses you can claim and what to do if your loan account is used for private purposes.
If you have a residential rental property, you may not be able to claim a deduction for related travel expenses.
Use our quick reference guide to work out the category of your rental property expense.
If you own an asbestos-affected investment property, check the deductions you can claim. CGT may apply if you sell it.
If you own an apartment in a building complex, you may be able to claim deductions for shared expenses to fix defects.