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Debts placed on hold before 1 January 2017

Proposed law change to give discretion not to offset some debts on hold.

Published 17 March 2025

Proposed law change

The law requires us to offset debts on hold using any credits or refunds you're entitled to.

Proposed changes to this law were announced in the 2024–25 Budget. These changes will give discretion not to offset in certain circumstances. Proposed changes are expected to affect debts placed on hold before 1 January 2017 for individuals, small businesses, and not-for-profit entities. The measure is not yet law.

You can check when your debt was placed on hold.

Included – debts on hold in the proposed measure

If the measure is passed, we can choose not to offset refunds against debts that were placed on hold before 1 January 2017 and remain on hold. This would only apply to individuals, small businesses, and not-for-profit entities.

Not included – debts on hold not in the proposed measure

The proposed new law will not apply to:

  • debts that were placed on hold on or after 1 January 2017
  • debts of large businesses, super funds, multinationals and wealthy groups that were placed on hold prior to 1 January 2017.

The law requires us to offset these debts using any credits or refunds to which taxpayers become entitled.


