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Growth of SMSF assets

A detailed summary of SMSF asset growth.

Last updated 15 December 2015

In the five years to 30 June 2015, SMSF assets grew by $180.9 billion or 44%. This means that in dollar terms, SMSFs continue to have a significant influence in the overall growth of the $2 trillion Australian superannuation industry.3

Graph 1 shows the proportion of total superannuation asset growth by fund type.4. Total superannuation assets in the period grew by 51% or $686 billion, of which SMSFs contributed 26% in the proportion of overall growth.

Graph 1: Proportion of five-year total superannuation asset growth, by fund type

Proportion of five-year total superannuation asset growth, by fund type

3 APRA 2013, June 2013 Annual Superannuation Bulletin, 5 February 2014 p 28, and APRA 2015, June 2015 Quarterly Superannuation Performance, 20 August 2015 p 8
4 The‘other’ fund type includes ‘exempt schemes’ as per new reporting method used by APRA in their June 2015 Quarterly Superannuation Bulletin.
