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Self-managed super funds: a statistical overview 2015–2016

A statistical overview of the self-managed superannuation fund sector for 2015–16.

Last updated 17 January 2018

This publication includes data reported for previous years based on self-managed super fund (SMSF) returns. As much of the data is either estimates or based on lodgments, we experience ongoing revisions. The data is likely to change in future releases of this statistical overview.

Note: This publication is not available in PDF. You can print a section of the report or the entire document by using the print options located on the top, right-hand side of the page.

Data tables can also be accessed in XLXS format – refer to Appendix 1 Data tables (XLSX 328KBThis link will download a file

A glossary of terms used in this publication is available at Appendix 3 – Glossary

For comments or enquiries about this report, email us at

See also


Following the publication by the Super System Review (of A Statistical Summary of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (the Review) released on 12 December 2009, we released our own publication Self-managed superannuation funds: A statistical overview 2008–09 (the overview) in December 2011.

We have subsequently released annual updates of the overview. This is the eighth edition of the publication with the main focus on 2015–16 year data.

The overview provides key statistics and analysis of the SMSF sector. When appropriate, we refer to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) data for comparisons to the SMSF sector.

See also


We began regulating SMSFs in the 2000 financial year under the regulatory framework of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act).

From 2008, a new Self-managed superannuation fund annual return (SAR) was developed to enhance the regulation of SMSFs and enable the collection of more reliable data.

Generally, the reported data for this overview has been collected from:

  • the SAR
  • SMSF registrations
  • auditor contravention reports (ACRs) lodged by SMSF auditors.

See also

Summary of SMSF main source of data for our analysis and statistics.

Summary of the demographics and balances of SMSF members.

Summary of SMSF average and median assets.

These figures are estimates based on SMSF annual return form data.

Data limitations due to changes in ATO data collection affect annual comparisons of SMSFs data.

A list of common terms used in this overview.
