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Explanatory notes on statistics used

Important information when interpreting the Self-managed super fund quarterly statistical report – March 2019.

Last updated 1 May 2019

About this data

Much of the information in the statistical tables is estimated, based on data reported to us. Caution should be taken when using or presenting this data. The estimates have been based on data provided by SMSFs reporting their financial position as at 30 June of the relevant financial year.

Rounding of figures may cause minor discrepancies to totals, for example some proportions are rounded to zero but are not equal to zero.

The SMSF population, asset allocation and establishment tables are updated on a quarterly basis, with the remainder of the tables updated annually when the June quarter updates are published.

Quarterly reports (as at the end of March, June, September and December each year) will generally be published within three months after the end of the quarter. The next report will cover the period up to 30 June 2019 and should be available in September 2019.

If you would like to provide comments, or you have questions about this report, email us at

This email address is only for comments and questions about published SMSF data.

Additional information

From the June 2018 report, the 2016–17 annual return data has been incorporated into our estimation model – as a result, the estimates are a more accurate reflection of SMSF asset holdings.

On 18 January 2018, we released Self-managed superannuation funds: A statistical overview 2015–16. Because the overview is based on historical data, it will differ from the more recent data in this quarterly SMSF statistical report.

See also

Historical data

To view historical data refer to:

Note: A number of tables no longer report historical data from before 2014. However, statistics from before 2014 may be included in the above reports.
