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Highlights: SMSF quarterly statistical report March 2024

Read the highlights from our March 2024 quarterly statistical report on self-managed super funds (SMSFs).

Published 21 May 2024

Our Self-managed super fund quarterly statistical report March 2024External Link is now available. It provides our latest statistics on the self-managed super fund (SMSF) sector. Highlights include:

  • There are 616,400 SMSFs.
  • There are 1,148,481 members of SMSFs.
  • The total estimated assets of SMSFs are $932.9 billion.
  • The top asset types held by SMSFs (by value) are:    
    • listed shares (29% of total estimated SMSF assets)
    • cash and term deposits (16%)
  • 53% of SMSF members are male and 47% are female.
  • 87% of SMSF members are 45 years or older.

Read the full report for further statistics about:

  • SMSF fund and member demographics
  • estimates on SMSF asset holdings
  • annual 'flows' in and out of SMSFs.

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