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Employee concerns and disputes

Your options if you are an employee and you have a concern or complaint.

Last updated 11 December 2023

Summary of employee options

Issues such as bullying and harassment, discrimination, misconduct, workplace conflict, and whistle blower reports can be raised as disputes or concerns by employees.

If you are an employee and you have a concern or complaint you can:

  • discuss your concerns with your manager or your manager's manager
  • email the People Helpline or phone 13 15 50
  • lodge an employee complaint form
  • explore an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) option
  • request a review of action.

If you are experiencing difficulties coming into work, you can consider contacting the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) on 1800 024 465. This is a free, independent and confidential service that provides professional early intervention counselling for all ongoing and non-ongoing ATO employees, their partners and immediate families.

If you feel a decision has been made that adversely impacts on you and you cannot resolve with the decision maker, you can request a review of employment actions.

What we can do

We will assess and determine the nature of the concern based on the complexity, sensitivity and risk of the matter raised.

We aim to address workplace concerns early, by dealing directly with you and the source of your concern.

The People Helpline can provide assistance and escalate to specialists trained to resolve the issues you are experiencing.

We offer a range of services and tools to assist you and your manager to resolve workplace concerns. You can email the People Helpline or phone 13 15 50 to discuss your options.

We use alternative dispute resolution processes such as:

  • mediation
  • conflict resolution
  • facilitated discussion to resolve workplace concerns.

If the matter is complex or cannot be resolved at an early stage, we may need to investigate further.

