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Lodge a prior year tax return

Find out how to lodge if you still need to lodge a tax return for a prior year.

Last updated 20 June 2024

Lodgment options

If you still need to lodge a tax return for a prior income year, it’s important to get up to date as soon as possible to reduce the risk of penalties and interest.

If you're not sure if you need to lodge a return, go to work out if you need to lodge a tax return.

If you need to lodge a tax return for a prior year, you have 3 options:

Online lodgment availability

You can lodge prior year tax returns online with myTax from 2016.

You may also be able to lodge online for 2014 and 2015, if you're eligible. Check the:

For 2013 and earlier, online lodgment for tax returns isn't available.

If you are not eligible to use myTax 2014 or 2015 or want to lodge for 2013 and earlier, you will need to:

If you don't need to lodge

You usually still need to tell us if you don't need to lodge a tax return by lodging a non-lodgment advice. The quickest way is using our online services through myGov.

You can submit a non-lodgment advice online for income years dating back to 2000.

You can also lodge prior year non-lodgment advice forms by paper.

If you’re having difficulties meeting your tax obligations, contact us as soon as possible to discuss your circumstances.

