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What to include in your objection

Information you need to provide to help us process your objection faster.

Published 23 June 2024

Information you need to provide

You must provide the following when lodging your objection:

  • your full contact details, including your name, phone number and email address
  • full details of the decision you are objecting to, including the relevant year or tax period if applicable
  • the reasons you disagree with our decision – you should support this with relevant information, arguments and additional supporting documents.

If you’re a person authorised to provide information on behalf of someone else, remember to also provide their full name, contact details, and tax file number (TFN) or Australian business number (ABN).

Example: Providing information to prove your claim

We reduced Dean’s deductions claim during an audit, because there wasn’t enough evidence to confirm the purchases he made were for his work.

A few weeks later, Dean found the missing receipts and logbooks to support his claim, and decided to lodge an objection.

In his objection, he explained in writing that the assessment was incorrect because it didn’t take account of relevant deductible purchases, and specified the extra deductions he was entitled to. He also provided us with the missing receipts and logbooks. After receiving all the documents, including all of his identifying details, we updated our decision to allow Dean to claim his deductions.

End of example



Check if you need to provide any supporting information to avoid delays to your objection or private ruling request.
