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Medicare levy exemption - supporting information

Information to provide with your objection about a Medicare levy exemption.

Last updated 23 June 2024

How to lodge

To lodge an objection about a Medicare Levy exemption:

Supporting information

Providing this information up front will reduce delays.

If you've previously given us any of the information listed below, you don't need to resend it.

We need to know if any of the following applied to you during all or part of the year:

  • you were a blind pensioner
  • you received sickness allowance from Centrelink
  • you were entitled to full free medical treatment for all conditions under Defence Force arrangements or Veterans’ Affairs Repatriation Health Card (Gold Card).

If any of the above applied to you during the year, we will ask you for additional information.

Temporary resident

If you were a temporary resident without Australian citizenship for all of, or part of the year, we need to know:

  • if you will be providing a copy of your Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) – your MES will show any periods that you were not entitled to Medicare, you can apply for a Medicare Entitlement StatementExternal Link through Services Australia
  • if you will be providing a copy of your spouse's MES, if applicable.

Your objection may face delays where you do not provide an MES with your objection. We may also ask you for additional information regarding your dependents.

Foreign resident

If you were you a foreign resident for all of, or part of the year, we need to know:

  • if you will be providing a copy of your Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) – your MES will show any periods that you were not entitled to Medicare, you can apply for a Medicare Entitlement StatementExternal Link through Services Australia
  • if you will be providing a copy of your spouse's MES, if applicable.

Your objection may face delays where you do not provide an MES with your objection. We may also ask you for additional information regarding your dependents.

Norfolk Island resident

If, for the 2015–16 or earlier years, you were you a Norfolk Island resident for the full year, we need to know if you can provide evidence of your residential address in that year.

If, for the 2015–16 or earlier years, you were a Norfolk Island resident for only part of the year we need to know:

  • the dates for which you were a Norfolk Island resident
  • if you can provide any documentary evidence of the period of your residency on Norfolk Island
  • if you can provide evidence of your residential address in that year
  • if you have any dependents, and the dates for which they were Norfolk Island residents.
