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myTax 2017 Business and professional items

How to complete the business and professional items section of your return using myTax.

Last updated 11 June 2017

We have pre-filled your tax return with information from the Personal services income toolThis link opens in a new window.

This section must be completed if either of the following selections were made at Personalise return:

  • Personal services income
  • Business income or loss.

Personal services income

Personal services income (PSI) is income that is mainly a reward for an individual’s personal efforts or skills.

Examples of PSI are:

  • income of a professional practitioner in a sole practice
  • income payable under a contract which is wholly or principally for the labour or services of a person
  • income derived by a professional sportsperson or entertainer from the exercise of professional skills
  • income derived by consultants from the exercise of personal expertise.

PSI does not include income that is mainly:

  • for supplying or selling goods, for example, from retailing, wholesaling or manufacturing
  • generated by a significant income-producing asset, such as a bulldozer
  • for granting a right to use property, for example, the copyright to a computer program
  • generated by a business structure, for example, a large accounting firm.

Completing this section

What you may need

You need details of your main business activity, including your Australian business number.

If you are having difficulty finding a Main business or professional activity description, see below.

  1. See Business and professional items P1 Personal services income and answer the question Did you receive any personal services income?.
  2. If you received personal service income, see Business and professional items P1 Part A and answer the remaining questions about your personal services income.
  3. Complete the remaining fields and questions in this section. For further details see Business and professional items P2 to P7.

Having difficulty finding a Main business or professional activity description?

If you are, we recommend you take the following steps:

  1. Enter your activity into the Business industry code search toolThis link opens in a new window
  2. From the search tool results, click on the link for the most appropriate description for your activity.
  3. From here, you will see a number and a description (for example 69320 Accounting Services). Enter this description at Main business or professional activity in myTax.
    1. There are a limited number of descriptions from the Business industry code search tool that are not listed in myTax. If this applies to you, use the list below to determine what you should choose to enter at Main business or professional activity in myTax.
Main business or professional activities - myTax substitute

From the Business industry code search tool

In myTax

Nursery Production (Under Cover)

Nursery and Floriculture Production


Forestry and Logging

Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing

Basic Chemical Manufacturing

Computer and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing

Computer and Related Manufacturing

Waste Remediation and Materials Recovery Services

Waste Treatment, Disposal and Remediation Services

Other Agricultural Product Wholesaling

Agricultural Product Wholesaling

Clothing and Footwear Wholesaling

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Wholesaling

Sport and Camping Equipment Retailing

Recreational Goods Retailing

Telecommunications Services

Wired Telecommunications Network Operation

Taxi Service Operation

Taxi Service Operation (Owner Operator)

Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver (Except Owner Operator)

Superannuation Funds

Superannuation Funds or First Home Saver Account Trusts

Other Auxiliary Finance and Investment Services

Auxiliary Finance and Investment Services

Other Specialised Design Services

Architectural, Engineering and Technical Services
