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myTax 2018 Income tests

How to complete the Income tests section of your return using myTax.

Last updated 27 June 2018

We use income tests to work out if you:

  • can claim certain tax offsets and the amount you are entitled to receive
  • can receive some government benefits or concessions
  • are entitled to a rebate for your private health insurance
  • must pay tax
  • must pay Medicare levy surcharge
  • have a Higher Education Loan Program, Student Financial Supplement Scheme, Student Start-up Loan, ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan or Trade Support Loan repayment liability.

We may also pass this information to other government agencies, such as Services Australia, to ensure you are receiving your correct entitlement to government benefits. It will also be used to determine any child support payments.

This section is about reportable fringe benefits amounts that you received.

Reportable employer superannuation contributions are additional to the compulsory contributions your employer must make.

Certain pensions or benefits are taken into account when working out your adjusted taxable income, even though income tax is not paid on them.

What is target foreign income, and instructions for completing the target foreign income section.

This section is about the net loss, if any, from any financial investments you owned.

This section is about the net loss, if any, from any rental property you owned.

Child support amounts you paid to another person other than your partner for the maintenance of your child.

What is a dependent child, and instructions for completing the dependent child section.
