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myTax 2019 Working holiday maker net income

How to complete the working holiday section of your return using myTax.

Last updated 25 June 2019

Complete this section if at any time during 2018–19 you:

  • were on a 417 or 462 working holiday visa, and
  • earned or derived income during this period.


Your working holiday maker net income is the income you earned or derived while you were on a 417 or 462 working holiday visa, less deductions relating to earning that income.

The first $37,000 of your working holiday maker net income is taxed at 15%. All other income is taxed according to your residency status.

Completing this section

  1. Answer the question Is ALL of your income and deductions in this tax return related to income you earned while you were on a 417 or 462 visa?
    No – Go to step 2.
    Yes – Go to step 4.
    Note: We may have populated Yes if all your income is at Salary, wages, allowances, tips, bonuses etc in the Income statements and payment summaries section and in that section you indicated you earned that income while you were on a 417 or 462 visa.
  2. At Working holiday maker gross income, enter the total amount of working holiday maker income you earned or derived during 2018–19 while you were on a 417 or 462 visa. This includes salary or wages income showing at Payment summaries with type H.
  3. At Deductions that relate to earning your working holiday maker income, enter the total amount of allowable deductions that relate to earning your working holiday maker income.
  4. MyTax will work out your Working holiday maker net income.
  5. Select Save and continue when you have completed the Adjustments section.
