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Simple self-assessment method

How to assess your foreign-sourced income using the simple self-assessment method section.

Last updated 25 June 2019

Under the simple self-assessment method, to assess your foreign-sourced income you must report:

  • the occupation from which you derived the most foreign income for an income year; and
  • your gross (pre-tax) foreign income earned.

Foreign-sourced income is the difference between your gross (pre-tax) foreign income and the standard deduction that applies to the occupation that you have selected. We automatically calculate and apply the standard deduction for your occupation before calculating any overseas levy due.

If you have selected ‘occupation not listed’ in the foreign occupation field (for example if you are an investor, retired or a pensioner), no standard deduction can be calculated. The standard deduction amount applied to your gross income will be zero.

Completing this section

To amend your non-resident foreign income, you will need to enter your gross (pre-tax) non-resident foreign income in the net non-resident foreign income field and we will apply the standard deduction to that amount. We may contact you if we cannot process your amendment so please ensure your contact details are up to date.
