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myTax 2023 How to personalise your tax return

How to personalise your return using myTax.

Last updated 31 May 2023

How to personalise your tax return when using myTax.

Things to know

To complete the Personalise return screen, select items that apply to you.

We make some selections for you, based on:

  • pre-fill information
  • data we have on our records, such as
    • information from your last year's tax return
    • your uploaded data from the ATO app's myDeductions tool.

Make other selections that may apply to include them in your tax return.

The selections in the Personalise return screen will tailor your tax return on the Prepare return screen to your situation.

When you progress to the Prepare return screen, you may find that you have missed a selection. Even if you are part way through your return, you can simply return to the Personalise return screen and make further selections.

You can't remove any selections we make for you, even if you think the circumstances don't apply to you.

If you used myDeductions to keep records, you can upload your data. If you upload your data from myDeductions before you start your return in myTax, your data will pre-fill ready for use.

For a demonstration on how to personalise your return, watch our tutorial.

Want to lodge a nil return?

If you don’t need to select any items because you wish to lodge a nil return, then select Next at the bottom of the Personalise return screen and follow the instructions.

Watch our tutorial

This video shows you how to personalise your tax return.

Media: How to personalise your myTax return Link (Duration: 02:01)

We also have a range of video tutorialsExternal Link that may assist you using myTax.

Completing this section

Follow the steps below to make selections on the Personalise return screen that apply to you to include them in your tax return.

  1. Check the answer to the question Were you an Australian resident for tax purposes from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023?
    For more information, see Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes?
    If Yes, go to step 3.
    If No, go to step 2.
    Note: We may have populated this for you based on information from your 2021–22 tax return. If your circumstances are different for 2022–23, you may need to change your answer.
  2. If you were a resident for part of the year, enter the dates you were a resident.
    If you were not a resident at any time during the year, leave both date fields blank.
  3. Answer the question Did you have a spouse at any time between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023?
    For more information, see Spouse details.
    Note: We may have populated this for you based on information from your 2021–22 tax return.
  4. Select the items that may apply to include them in your tax return.
    If you are unsure if an items applies to you, select the links for more information  

If you can't see an item to select, it may already be shown on the Prepare return screen or isn't required to be included in your tax return.

  1. Select Next to go to the Prepare return screen.
    myTax will automatically display the selected items, and certain other items that apply, at the Prepare return screen.

Can't see an item to select?

If you can't see an item to select, follow the links below to find out more:

Items always displayed

No selections are necessary on the Personalise return screen for the following items, but they will display on the Prepare return screen.

These items are:

Items automatically calculated for you

You aren't required to make a selection on the Personalise return screen for any of the following:

  • low income tax offset
  • PAYG instalments
  • Study and training support loans including
    • Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
    • Vocational and Educational Training Student Loan (VSL)
    • Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS)
    • Trade Support Loan (TSL) debt
    • Student Start-up Loan (SSL)
    • ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL)

We use the information in your tax return and our records to include these in your notice of assessment.

Deductions displayed depending on your circumstances

Based on the information available in your return, myTax will display certain deduction items.

If you have salary or wage income, 'Work-related expenses' will be selected on the Personalise return screen, and the following items will display on the Prepare return screen

If you have a foreign pension or annuity, no selection is necessary on the Personalise return screen, the following item will display on the Prepare return screen:

Tax offsets displayed depending on your circumstances

No selections are necessary on the Personalise return screen for the following items, but they will display on the Prepare return screen.

If you have business-related income selected on the Personalise return screen, the following item will display on the Prepare return screen.

If you wish to claim the national rental affordability scheme tax offset, you will need to select Partnership or Trust under Sole trader or had business income or losses, partnership or trust distributions (not from a managed fund), even if you have not received any partnership or trust distributions. While the myTax section is specific to partnerships and trusts, all individuals making a claim for this offset must use this section.

Adjustments displayed depending on your circumstances

No selections are necessary on the Personalise return screen for the following items, but they will display on the Prepare return screen:

Can't remove a selection?

Where we make a selection for you, it is based on the information:

  • provided to us by various organisations including employers, payers, financial institutions and other government departments
  • we have on our records, such as from
    • your last year's tax return
    • your uploaded data from the ATO app's myDeductions tool
    • the Depreciation and capital allowances tool or the Personal services income decision tool.

You will not be able to remove the selection.

If we make a selection for you but you believe it does not apply to you, it may be because the information was provided to us incorrectly or you may not be aware of how the payment was made to you.

Example – Business income statement/payment summary

The Business/Sole trader income or loss may be pre-selected if you received payments made:

  • under a voluntary agreement
  • under a labour-hire arrangement, or
  • that are other specific payments.

Whilst you may think you are not in business or a sole trader, the payment was made as business and personal services income instead of employment income, which is what you might have expected. You should review the pre-filled information on the Prepare return screen and make any necessary adjustments (if required). If you believe the payment was made incorrectly, contact the payer so they can update their records and provide us with correct information.

End of example
