Sole trader and business income or losses and partnership distributions
How to complete myTax if you have business/sole trader, partnership or personal services income.
Access our secure services. myGovID is now named myID, but how you can use it remains the same.
Access our secure services. myGovID is now named myID, but how you can use it remains the same.
How to complete myTax if you have business/sole trader, partnership or personal services income.
How to complete the business and professional items section of your return using myTax.
How to report business income statement and payment summary information when you lodge your return using myTax.
How to report personal services income in your return using myTax.
How to complete the business section of your tax return using myTax.
How to complete the partnerships section of your return using myTax.
How to report loss details when you lodge your return using myTax.
How to report your net farm management deposits and repayments when you lodge your return using myTax.