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Private health insurance policy details 2012

Complete this question if you were covered by private health insurance or paid for a dependant-person-only policy.

Last updated 31 May 2012

Private health insurance policy details image from Tax return for individuals form

You need to complete this item if you claimed a tax offset at item T5 - Private health insurance or you were directed to provide this information at question M2 - Medicare levy surcharge.

Did you have private health insurance at any time from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012?




Read below.

You must complete item M2 - Medicare levy surcharge, it is compulsory.

Answering this question

You will need your statements from your registered health insurers.

If you did not receive a statement, contact your insurer. If you do not have a statement because your employer paid the premium, contact your insurer or employer.

You may have been covered by a family policy even though you or your employer did not pay the premium. You can show the type of cover you had under that policy at this item.

Helpful hint

You can download your private health insurance details online any time using the pre-filling service in e-tax. Go to Pre-filling 2012-2015.

Completing your tax return

Use the information shown on your statements to complete your tax return.

If you had more than three policies, go to step 4.

Step 1

Print the identification code of each of your health insurers at BHealth insurer ID on page 6 of your tax return.

Step 2

Write each of your private health insurance membership numbers at CMembership number.

Step 3

In the Type of cover box, print the code letter from each of your statements. If you don't have a statement, print the code letter from the table in the next column that best describes the type of health insurance cover you had.

Type of cover

Code letter

General cover (also known as 'extras')


Hospital cover


Combined hospital and general cover


If you changed the cover under a policy during the year, print the code letter for the highest level of cover.

You have finished this question. Go to question M1 - Medicare levy reduction or exemption.

Step 4

If you had more than three policies during the year, complete steps 1 to 3 for the first three policies. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, print SCHEDULE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY DETAILS. Print your name, address and tax file number, and list the health insurer's ID code, your membership number and the type of cover for each of the other policies you held. Attach your schedule to page 2 of your tax return. Print X in the YES box at Taxpayer's declaration question 2a on page 12 of your tax return.

Tax tip

To check if your health insurer is a registered private health insurer, visit the Private Health Insurance Administration Council website at
