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Cost base of new units

The initial cost base of each SCA Property Group stapled security you received under the distribution is $1.4397.

Last updated 18 August 2013

Units received under the distribution

This cost base is apportioned 99.4% to the SCA Property Retail Trust unit and 0.6% to the SCA Property Management Trust unit, giving their separate cost base of:

  • $1.4310618 for each SCA Property Retail Trust unit, and
  • $0.0086382 for each SCA Property Management Trust unit.

Units acquired under the Woolworths retail shareholders offer (the offer)

The initial cost base of each SCA Property Group stapled security you acquired under the offer is $1.40.

This value is apportioned 99.4% to the SCA Property Retail Trust unit and 0.6% to the SCA Property Management Trust unit, giving their separate cost base of:

  • $1.3916 for each SCA Property Retail Trust unit, and
  • $0.0084 for each SCA Property Management Trust unit.
