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A2 Part-year tax-free threshold 2018

Complete question A2 if you were not an Australian resident for the whole financial year.

Last updated 30 May 2018

If you were not an Australian resident for the whole 2017–18 year, we use the information you show at this item on your tax return to work out your tax-free threshold.

See also:

In 2017–18 did you:

  • become an Australian resident, or
  • stop being an Australian resident?


Go to question A3 Government super contributions 2018.


Read on.

Did you receive any Australian Government pension or allowance, which you showed at item 5 or item 6?


Go to Completing your tax return.


Read on.

Was this amount only for:

  • youth allowance
  • Newstart Allowance
  • a sickness allowance
  • a special benefit, or
  • a payment under the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) Scheme?


Go to Completing your tax return.


You are entitled to the full tax-free threshold. You do not need to answer this question. Go to question A3 Government super contributions 2018.

Completing your tax return

Step 1

Write the date you became, or stopped being, an Australian resident for tax purposes in the Date box at item A2.

Step 2

Write the number of months that you were an Australian resident in 2017–18 (counting the first month during which you became, or stopped being, a resident) at N item A2.


If you:

  • became a resident in November 2017 and remained a resident for the rest of the income year, you would write 8
  • stopped being a resident in September 2017, you would write 3.
End of example

We will work out your tax-free threshold for you using the information you provide at this item. If you want to work it out, go to:

Where to go next
