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Tax return

Instruction on how to complete each question in your paper tax return.

Information to help you complete the individual information in your tax return and avoid delays in processing.

How to complete income questions 1 to 12 in your paper tax return.

How to complete deduction questions D1 to D10 in your paper tax return.

How to complete the losses question L1 in your paper tax return.

How to complete the tax offset questions T1 and T2 in your paper tax return.

How to complete the Medicare levy questions M1 and M2 in your paper tax return.

Complete this question if you were covered by a private health insurance or paid for a dependant-person-only policy.

How to complete the adjustment questions A1 to A4 in your paper tax return.

How to complete the income test questions IT1 to IT8 in your paper tax return.

Complete this question if you had a spouse during 2023–24.
