Byrne v Australian Airlines Ltd

185 CLR 410
[1995] HCA 24
(1995) 131 ALR 422
(1995) 69 ALJR 797

Between: George Albert Byrne and George Mortimer Frew
And: Australian Airlines Ltd

High Court of Australia

Judges: Brennan CJ
Dawson J
Toohey J
McHugh J
Gummow J

Hearing date: 2 May 1995
Judgment date: 3 May 1995



1. Appeal dismissed.

2.(a) Respondent's application for special leave to cross-appeal granted. Cross-appeal allowed.

(b) Paragraphs one, two, three and four of the order of the Full Court of the Federal Court set aside.

(c) Remit the matter to the Full Court of the Federal Court for reconsideration in the light of this Court's reasons for judgment.

3. No order as to costs.