
Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016

Revised Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison MP)
This memorandum takes account of amendments made by the house of representatives to the bill as introduced.

Chapter 1 Minimum repayment income for HELP debts


Under HESA, a person with a HELP debt is only required to start repaying that debt when their repayment income exceeds a certain amount, called the 'minimum repayment income'. ('Repayment income' is defined in section 154 5 of HESA). As a person's income increases, the rate at which they repay their HELP debt also increases.

For the 2016-17 income year, the minimum repayment income is $54,868, and a person whose income exceeds that amount but is less than $61,120 is liable to repay an amount of their HELP debt equal to 4 per cent of their income.

From the start of the 2018-19 income year, the amendments to HESA made by Schedule 1 will establish a new minimum repayment income ($51,956), as well as setting a repayment rate of 2 per cent for people whose incomes exceed that amount but are less than $57,730.

These amendments will have flow-through effects for other loans schemes, including the Trade Support, Student Start-Up, and Student Financial Supplement Scheme loan schemes.

Detailed explanation

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Item 1

Section 154-10 of HESA provides for the minimum repayment income for an income year, that is, the amount that a person's repayment income must be above before they will be obliged to start repaying their accumulated HELP debts.

Paragraph 154-10(a) currently provides that the minimum repayment income for the 2005-06 income year was $36,184. This amount has since been indexed every year, and for the 2016-17 income year is $54,868. Item 1 of Schedule 1 will repeal and substitute paragraph 154-10(a) and set a new minimum repayment income for the 2018-19 income year of $51,956.

This amount is indexed under section 154-25 of HESA for later income years.

Item 2

Section 154-20 of HESA contains a table which lists repayment income thresholds and the applicable percentage rates for the compulsory repayment of HELP debts.

Item 2 will repeal and substitute the table in section 154-20. For the 2018-19 income year a person would not make a repayment if their income was $51,956 or less. The applicable repayment incomes and repayment percentages would be as follows (for later income years, the income amounts would be indexed under section 154-25):

from $51,957 but less than $57,730 - 2%
from $57,730 but less than $64,307 - 4%
from $64,307 but less than $70,882 - 4.5%
from $70,882 but less than $74,608 - 5%
from $74,608 but less than $80,198 - 5.5%
from $80,198 but less than $86,856 - 6%
from $86,856 but less than $91,426 - 6.5%
from $91,426 but less than $100,614 - 7%
from $100,614 but less than $107,214 - 7.5 %
from $107,214 and above - 8%.

Items 3, 4 and 5

Item 3 repeals and substitutes subsection 154-25(1) of HESA, simply to update the income year referred to in that subsection (changed from '2006-07' to '2019-20' and from '2005-06' to '2018-19') and the number of items in the table in 154-20 (changed from '1 to 8' to '1 to 9'), as a consequence of the amendments made by items 1 and 2.

Items 4 and 5 make similar textual changes to section 154-30 that are also consequent on the amendments made by items 1 and 2.

Item 6

Item 6 provides that the amendments to HESA made by Schedule 1 apply in relation to income years commencing on and after the day Schedule 2 commences, that is, to the 2018-19 income year and later income years.

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