
Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 1) 1998

Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Treasurer, the Hon Peter Costello, MP)

CHANGE OF TITLE - TAX LAW IMPROVEMENT BILL (No. 1) 1998 - SENATE - Explanatory Memorandum.

The Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 2) 1997 has been retitled the Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 1) 1998. All references in this explanatory memorandum that refer to Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 2) 1997 should now read Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 1) 1998.

Chapter 2.3 - General rules


This segment contains rules in Division 103 that apply generally to other CGT provisions.

Part A summarises these rules.

Part B explains changes from the 1936 Act. Part C explains why some provisions of the 1936 Act have not been rewritten.

A. Summary of the new law

Division 103: General rules

What the division does

Division 103 contains rules that apply generally to other CGT provisions thereby avoiding duplication.

These rules extend the meaning given to particular terms used in the other provisions. [section 103-1]

Giving property

Payments or expenditure are not always in money. Some provisions indicate that payment includes the giving of property. In such cases the amount of the payment or expenditure will include the market value of the property. [section 103-5]

Receipt of money or property

Amounts received include amounts applied for an entitys benefit. An entitlement to receive an amount includes an entitlement to have it applied for an entitys benefit. It also includes an amount, or instalments, actually received at a later time. [section 103-10]

Requirement to pay money or give property

A requirement to pay money or give property includes an amount that is to be paid or given at a later date, and includes instalment payments. [section 103-15]

Amounts expressed in foreign currency

Amounts expressed in foreign currency must be translated into the Australian currency equivalent at the relevant time. [section 103-20]


It also provides the rules that relate to choices that a taxpayer may make under Parts 3-1 and 3-3. [section 103-25]

B. Discussion of changes

Section 103-5 Giving property as part of a transaction

When property is given as or as part of a payment, the market value of the property is taken into account in working out the amount of the payment.


Include a common rule to cover all those provisions that refer to payments or expenditure that contemplate the giving of property instead of, or in addition to, the payment of money.


The inclusion of a common rule avoids duplication.

Section 103-25 Choices

This section states that the choices contemplated by the CGT provisions are evidenced by the way income tax returns are prepared. For example, a taxpayers choice of roll-over relief is evident if a capital gain that would otherwise arise is not taken into account in calculating the net capital gain or loss as returned for that income year.


Provide a standard rule for the making of choices.


The rewritten provision states the general rule that will apply in the 1997 Act CGT provisions, thereby avoiding unnecessary repetition. It also standardises the time by which, in the absence of the Commissioner exercising a discretion to allow more time, a choice needs to be made.

C. Provisions of the old law that have not been rewritten

Redundant provisions

Some redundant provisions have not be included in the new law. They are summarised in the following table:

160K(7) No consideration in respect of acquisition of asset An interpretational rule not needed in the redrafted law.
160K(8) No consideration in respect of disposal of asset An interpretational rule not needed in the redrafted law.
160K(9) Disposal of an asset An interpretational rule not needed in the redrafted law.
160K(10) Trustee of a trust estate . A clarifying expression not needed in the redrafted law.

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