
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Proceeds of Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2015

Addendum to the Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by the authority of the Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan MP)

Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights

Schedule 4 - Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing amendments

On page 15, after the sentence: 'The amended definition will also provide for a regulation-making power that is intended to enable additional international bodies, including those with multijurisdictional law enforcement coordination and cooperation functions, to be prescribed', insert:

"The ability to prescribe additional international bodies through regulation is necessary in order to ensure that any newly-constituted international bodies, in particular those with multi-jurisdictional law enforcement coordination and cooperation functions similar in nature to INTERPOL and Europol, are able to be listed in future as expeditiously as possible. The strategic and tactical value of financial intelligence in the detection and disruption of transnational crime diminishes significantly over time. By enabling the timely addition of future international bodies to the existing definition of 'foreign law enforcement agencies', this measure will ensure that the value of AUSTRAC financial intelligence information is preserved and able to be appropriately leveraged by the necessary agencies and networks. This will both assist in fulfilling our international obligations to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and beneficially affect Australia's relations with foreign countries and international organisations."

Schedule 5 - Disclosure etc. of AusCheck scheme personal information

On page 16, remove the paragraph: 'The disclosure of information will continue to be protected by robust safeguards including criminal offences in section 15 of the AusCheck Act for the unlawful disclosure of AusCheck scheme personal information, the use of privacy notices to inform applicants and acquire consent for the collection and disclosure of their personal information, the accreditation process for agencies seeking access to information and requirements relating to disclosure under the AusCheck Guidelines; and memoranda of understanding with relevant authorities', insert:

"The disclosure of information will continue to be protected by robust safeguards including the privacy protections in the Privacy Act 1988, criminal offences in section 15 of the AusCheck Act for the unlawful disclosure of AusCheck scheme personal information, the use of privacy notices to inform applicants and acquire consent for the collection and disclosure of their personal information, the accreditation process for agencies seeking access to information and requirements relating to disclosure under the AusCheck Guidelines; memoranda of understanding with relevant authorities; and public reporting of disclosures of personal information from the AusCheck database to accredited agencies. Information provided by AusCheck to other agencies will also be protected by these agencies' own privacy or secrecy obligations."

Human rights implications

Schedule 5 - Disclosure etc. of AusCheck scheme personal information

On page 23, after the sentence: 'The AusCheck Guidelines are publicly available on the AusCheck website and require proactive steps for agencies to be approved for access to AusCheck information', insert:

"AusCheck staff members are required to comply with the Guidelines, under subregulation 15(2) of the AusCheck Regulations 2007."

On page 23, after the words: 'The AusCheck Guidelines also publish the agencies approved for access to the database, and ...', delete the remainder of the sentence and insert:

"require the AGD to publish information about these agencies and the purposes and frequency of access to AusCheck information, in the AGD Annual Report."

On page 23, before the words: 'will be updated to reflect the amendments in Schedule 5 to the Bill and continue to protect the disclosure of AusCheck scheme personal information', insert:

"and privacy notice".

On page 23, after the paragraph: 'Information sharing arrangements are also governed by memoranda of understanding with relevant authorities. AusCheck currently has MOUs to govern its information sharing with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) - prior to its integration with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection', insert a new paragraph:

"Information provided by AusCheck to Commonwealth, State and Territory agencies will also be protected by these agencies' own privacy or secrecy obligations."

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