Crimes Act 1914

Part IAE - Video link evidence in proceedings for terrorism and related offences etc.  

SECTION 15YZD   Appeals against section 15YV directions or orders etc.  

(1)   Court gives a direction or makes an order.  


(a) a court gives a section 15YV direction or makes a section 15YV order; and

(b) the prosecutor applied for the direction or order;

a defendant in the proceeding may appeal against the direction or order.


(a) a court gives a section 15YV direction or makes a section 15YV order; and

(b) a defendant in the proceeding applied for the direction or order;

the prosecutor may appeal against the direction or order.

(3)   Court refuses to give a direction or make an order.  


(a) a court refuses to give a section 15YV direction or refuses to make a section 15YV order; and

(b) the prosecutor applied for the direction or order;

the prosecutor may appeal against the refusal.


(a) a court refuses to give a section 15YV direction or refuses to make a section 15YV order; and

(b) a defendant in the proceeding applied for the direction or order;

the defendant may appeal against the refusal.

(5)   Jurisdiction.  

A court that has jurisdiction to hear and determine appeals from a judgment, order or direction in the proceeding has jurisdiction to hear and determine any appeal under this section.

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