Freedom of Information Act 1982


Division 6 - Procedure in IC review  

SECTION 55F   Procedure in IC review - review parties reach agreement  

This section applies if, at any stage of an IC review:

(a) the review parties reach agreement as to the terms of a decision on an IC review:

(i) on the IC review application; or

(ii) in relation to a part of the IC review application; or

(iii) in relation to a matter arising out of the IC review application; and

(b) the agreement is acceptable to all of the review parties; and

(c) the terms of the agreement are reduced to writing, signed by, or on behalf of, the review parties and given to the Information Commissioner; and

(d) the Information Commissioner is satisfied that a decision in those terms or consistent with those terms would be within the powers of the Information Commissioner.

The Information Commissioner may, if satisfied that it is appropriate:

(a) in the case of an agreement as to the terms of a decision of the Information Commissioner on the IC review - make a decision in accordance with those terms without completing the IC review; or

(b) in the case of an agreement that relates to a part of the proceeding or a matter arising out of the proceeding - in the Information Commissioner's decision on the IC review, give effect to the terms of the agreement without completing the IC review with respect to the part.

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