Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986



For the purposes of this Act, where, in respect of the employment of an employee of an employer, the employee or an associate of the employee uses a credit card issued by a third person to, or to an associate of, the employer to obtain the provision of a benefit on credit from a fourth person, the following provisions have effect:

(a) the fourth person shall be taken to have provided the benefit, in respect of that employment, under an arrangement between:

(i) the employer or the associate of the employer, as the case requires; and

(ii) the fourth person;

(b) where the employer or the associate of the employer, as the case may be, incurred expenditure to the third person under an arm's length transaction in respect of the provision of the benefit - the employer or the associate of the employer, as the case requires, shall be taken to have incurred that expenditure to the fourth person under an arm's length transaction.

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