Industry Research and Development Act 1986


Division 5 - Review  



Each of the following decisions of the Board is a reviewable decision .

Reviewable decisions
Item Decision Provision under which decision is made
1 Registering or refusing to register an entity for activities Subsection 27A(1)
2 A finding made when considering an application for registration of activities Subsection 27B(1)
3 Refusing to allow a further period for making an application for registration of activities Paragraph 27D(c)
4 Refusing to allow a further period for giving further information about an application for registration of activities Paragraph 27E(2)(b)
5 Refusing to make a finding about a registration of activities Paragraph 27F(4)(b)
6 Refusing to allow a further period for giving further information about an examination of a registration of activities Paragraph 27H(2)(b)
7 A finding made about a registration of activities Subsection 27J(1)
8 Refusing to vary on application a registration of activities Subsection 27M(1)
9 Refusing to allow a further period for giving further information about an application for variation of a registration of activities Paragraph 27E(2)(b) , as that paragraph applies because of subsection 27M(3)
10 Revoking a registration of activities Subsection 27N(1)
11 An advance finding, or refusing to make an advance finding, about the nature of an activity Subsection 28A(1)
12 A finding, or refusing to make a finding, about an activity to be conducted outside Australia Subsection 28C(1)
13 A finding, or refusing to make a finding, about particular technology Subsection 28E(1)
14 Refusing to allow a further period for giving further information about an application for:
(a) an advance finding about the nature of an activity; or
(b) a finding about an activity to be conducted outside Australia; or
(c) a finding that technology is core technology
Paragraph 28H(2)(b)
15 Registering or refusing to register an entity as a research service provider Subsection 29A(1)
16 Refusing to allow a further period for giving further information about an application for registration as a research service provider Subsection 29C(3)
17 Revoking a research service provider ' s registration for not returning a completed form about continuing that registration Subsection 29E(2)
18 Refusing to vary on application a research service provider ' s registration Subsection 29F(1)
19 Refusing to allow a further period for giving further information about an application for variation of a research service provider ' s registration Subsection 29C(3) , as that subsection applies because of subsection 29F(3)
20 Varying a research service provider ' s registration otherwise than on application Subsection 29G(1)
21 Revoking a research service provider ' s registration Subsection 29H(1)
22 Refusing to allow a further period for making an application for review of a decision Subsection 30C(3)

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