Division 12 - Changes resulting from the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 1999


1469     Column 2 of the table sets out things that have been done, or situations that have arisen, on or before the commencement of certain provisions of the new Law. Column 3 sets out how the things and situations will be dealt with after commencement - either under the old Law or the new Law.

 Transitional arrangements
   If . . .                   then, after
                              commencement . . .
 1 before the                 the director is taken to
   commencement of            have disclosed the interest
   sechon 191 of the new      as a material personal
   Law, a director of a       interest in accordance
   proprietary company        with sechon 191 of the
   who had an interest in     new Law and to have
   a contract or proposed     made the disclosure on the
   contract with the day on   which section 191
   company declared the       of the new Law
   nature of the interest in  commences.
   accordance with
   subsection 231(1) of
   the old Law
 2 before the                 the director is taken to
   commencement of            have given standing
   sechon 192 of the new      notice in accordance with
   Law, a director of a       section 192 of the new
   proprietary company        Law and to have given
   gave a general notice      that notice on the day on
   to the directors of the    which sechon 192 of the
   company in                 new Law commences.
   accordance with
   subsection 231(5) of
   the old Law
 3 before the                 the resolution is taken to
   commencement of            be a resolution passed in
   section 195 of the new     accordance with subsection
   Law, the board passed      195(2) of the new Law.
   a resolution under
   subsection 232A(3) of
   the old Law
 4 before the                 ASIC is taken to have
   commencement of            made a valid declaration
   section 196 of the new     with identical conditions
   Law, ASIC made a           under section 196 of the
   declaration under          new Law.
   section 232B of the old
   Law which is skill in
   force immediately
   before commencement
 5 before the                 sections 199A and 199B
   commencement of            of the new Law apply if
   section 199A or 199B       an indemnity was given,
   of the new Law, an         or a premium paid, in
   officer or auditor         respect of the liability
   incurred a liability       after commencement. In
                              all other cases, sections
                              241 and 241A of the old
                              Law continue to apply.
 6 before the                 the company must deal
   commencement of            with the notice as
   section 202B of the        provided for in section
   new Law, the company       239 of the old Law and
   was served a notice in     that section continues to
   accordance with            apply in relation to the
   section 239 of the old     matter
 7 before the                 the company must act in
   commencement of            accordance with section
   section 203D of the        227 of the old Law (which
   new Law, notice of a       continues to apply in
   resolution was given to    relation to the matter).
                              a company in
                              accordance with
                              subsection 227(3) of
                              the old Law
 8 on a date less than        the company must lodge
   1 month before the         the nadce within I month
   commencement of            after the appointment in
   section 205B of the        accordance with sections
   new Law, a director or     242 and 242AA of the old
   secretary was              Law (which continue to
   appointed and no           apply in relation to the
   notice was lodged by       matter).
   the company in
   accordance with
   section 242 ofthe old
 9 on a date less than        the company must lodge
   1 month before the         the notice in accordance
   commencement of            with sections 242 and
   section 205B of the        242AA of the old Law
   new Law, a change          (which continued to apply
   occurred in the            in relation to the matter).
   personal details of a
   director or secretary
   and no notice was
   lodged in accordance
   with section 242 of the
   old Law
10 on a date less than        the company must lodge
   1 month before the         the notice in accordance
   commencement of            with sections 242 and
   section 205B of the        242AA of the old Law
   new Law, a director or     (which continue to apply
   secretary stopped          in relation to the matter).
   being a director or
   secretary and no notice
   was lodged in
   accordance with
   section 242 of the old
11 on a date less than 14     the director or secretary is
   days before the            required to give the
   commencement of            company the information
   section 205C of the        in accordance with section
   new Law, a director or     236 of the old Law (which
   secretary was required     continues to apply in
   to give the company        relation to the matter).
   written notice under
   section 236 of the old
   Law and no such
   notice was given
12 on a dateless then 14      the directoris required to
   days before the            give the notice in
   commencement of            accordance with section
   section 205G of the        235 of the old Law (which
   new Law, a director        continues to apply in
   was required to give       relation to the matter).
   notice under section
   235 of the old Law the
   notice was not given
13 before the                 subsections 229(3), (3A)
   commencement of            and (4) of the old Law
   section 206B of the        continue to apply in
   new Law, a person is       relation to the person. The
   convicted of serious       new Law applies m
   fraud or an offence        relation to all other
   mentioned in               people.
   subsection 229(3) of
   the old Law
14 on the commencement        o if the person has been
   of section 206B of the       an insolvent under
   new Law, a person is         administration for 3
   an insolvent under           years -- the person is
   administration               no longer disqualified
                                from managing

                              o if the person has
                                been an insolvent
                                under administration
                                for less than 3 years
                                -- unless the person
                                obtained the leave of
                                the Court under
                                subsection 229(5) of
                                the old Law or
                                obtains the leave of
                                the Court under
                                section 206G of the
                                new Law, the person
                                is disqualified from
                                corporations for the
                                shorter of the period
                                that they will be an
                                insolvent under
                                administration or the
                                period of 3 years
                                starting from when
                                they first became an
                                insolvent under
15 before the                 section 1317EA of the old
   commencement of            Law continues to apply in
   section 206C of the        relation to such
   new Law, an                applications.
   application for a civil
   penalty order was
   made and not dealt
16 before the                 section 599 of the old
   commencement of            Law continues to apply in
   section 206D of the        relation to the application
   new Law, an and            any proceedings or
   application was made       orders flowing from that
   under subsection           application.
   599(2) and was not
   finally determined
17 before the                 section 230 of the old
   commencement of            Law continues to apply in
   section 206E of the        relation to the application
   new Law, an                section 206E of the new
   application was made       Law applies as if the
   under section 230          application had been
   of the old Law and         made under Part 2D.6 of
   was not finally            the new Law.
18 before the                 section 600 ofthe old
   commencement of            Law continues to apply in
   section 206F of the        relation to the matter.
   new Law, a person is
   served with a notice to
   show cause why ASIC
   should not serve on the
   person a notice under
   subsection 600(3) of
   the old Law
19 before the                 Part 2D.6 applies as if
   commencement of            the person were
   section 206A of the        disqualified under that
   new Law, the person        Part.
   was disqualified from
   managing corporations
   under the Corporations
   Law or a previous
   corresponding law
20 before the                 Part 2D.6 applies as if 
   commencement of            the person had permission 
   section 206A of the        to manage the corporation
   new Law, the person        under section 206F or
   had permission under a     206G.
   corresponding law to
   section 206F or 206G
   to manage a corporation
21 before the                 section 203D applies as
   commencement of            if the notice had been 
   section 203D of the        given under subsection 
   new Law, a company         203D(2). 
   gives notice of
   intention under a
   previous provision to
   subsection 203D(2)

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