THE CORPORATIONS LAW 82 The Corporations Law is as follows:...
--------------------------------------------------------------- Contents of annual return - companies [operative table] --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ACN --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 name --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 address of registered office --------------------------------------------------------------- 4 address of principal place of business --------------------------------------------------------------- 5 each director and company * name and secretary address * date and place of birth. The address must be the person's usual residen- tial address. However, if the person is entitled to have an alternative address under subsection 205D(2), the annual return may contain that address. --------------------------------------------------------------- 6 issued shares The classes into which the shares are divided and for each class of share issued: * the number and nominal value of shares in the class * the amount (if any) paid, taken to be paid or due and payable on each share in the class. --------------------------------------------------------------- 7 options granted The number of unissued shares in each class that are subject to options. --------------------------------------------------------------- 8 all members (if company has * the names and addresses 20 or fewer members) of the members OR If the company has a share capital: the top 20 members in each * the total number of class (if company has more shares in each class than 20 members) held by each of them The requirement to list the * whether or not the top 20 members does not apply shares are fully paid to a company limited only by guarantee. * unless the company is a listed corporation-whether or not the shares are beneficially owned. If 2 or more members in the top 20 members in a class of shares each hold the same number of shares, the company must include the details set out above for each of them. --------------------------------------------------------------- 9 company solvency Statement whether the Not necessary if company directors have resolved lodged a financial report within the last month under with ASIC within last 12 section 346 that, in their months. opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. --------------------------------------------------------------- 10 ultimate holding company * name either: * its ACN or ARBN if registered in Australia OR * the place at which it was incorporated or formed if not registered in Australia. ------------------------------------------------------------------
If the details referred to in items 3, 4, 5 and 6 change after the annual return is lodged, the company must notify ASIC of the change (see section 142 (registered office), section 146 (principal place of business), section 205B (director and company secretary) and section 254X (issued shares)).This information is provided by CCH Australia Limited Link opens in new window. View the disclaimer and notice of copyright.