761    Unless the contrary intention appears:

``authority'' , in relation to a government, includes an instrumentality or agency;

``business rules'' , in relation to a body corporate, means:

(a)  in the case of a body corporate that conducts, or proposes to conduct, a stock market - any rules, regulations or by-laws that are made by the body corporate, or that are contained in its constitution, and that govern:

(i) the activities or conduct of that stock market; or
(ii) the activities or conduct of persons in relation to that stock market;

other than rules, regulations or by-laws that are listing rules of the body corporate; and

(b)  otherwise - the provisions of the constitution of the body corporate and any other rules, regulations or by-laws made by the body corporate;

``comply with'' , in relation to the business rules or listing rules of a securities exchange, includes give effect to those rules;

``eligible exchange'' means:

(a)  the Exchange; or

(b)  a securities exchange that is neither the Exchange nor an Exchange subsidiary;

``listing rules'' , in relation to a body corporate that conducts, or proposes to conduct, a stock market, means rules, regulations or by-laws governing or relating to:

(a)  the admission to, or removal from, the official list of the body corporate of bodies corporate, governments, unincorporate bodies or other persons for the purpose of the quotation on the stock market of the body corporate of securities of bodies corporate, governments, unincorporate bodies or other persons and for other purposes; or

(b)  the activities or conduct of bodies corporate, governments, unincorporate bodies and other persons who are admitted to that list;

whether those rules, regulations or by-laws:

(c)  are made by the body corporate or are contained in the constitution of the body corporate; or

(d)  are made by another person and adopted by the body corporate;

``marketable parcel'' , in relation to securities that are listed for quotation on the stock market of a securities exchange, means a marketable parcel of those securities within the meaning of the relevant business rules or listing rules of that securities exchange;

``odd lot'' has the meaning given by section 763;

``participating exchange'' means an eligible exchange that is a member of SEGC;

``shares'' , in relation to a body corporate, includes units in shares in the body;

``trading day'' , in relation to a stock exchange, means:

(a)  in the case of the Exchange - a day on which a stock market of an Exchange subsidiary; or

(b)  in any case - a day on which a stock market of the stock exchange;

is open for trading in securities;

``trust account'' , in relation to a person, means, in the case of a person who holds, or has at any time held, a dealers licence, an account that a condition existing by virtue of section 866 provides or provided for the person to maintain.

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