Pooled Development Funds Act 1992



42(1)   [PDF to give notice]  

As soon as practicable, and in any event within 30 days, after a PDF knows of an event referred to in subsection (2), the PDF must give the Board a written notice setting out particulars of the event and, in the case of an event referred to in paragraph (2)(a), (d) or (g), the additional particulars referred to in subsection (3).

42(2)   [Events]  

These are the events:

(a) a person becoming a relevant officer of the PDF;

(b) a change in the name or address of a relevant officer of the PDF;

(c) a person ceasing to be a relevant officer of the PDF;

(d) the PDF engaging a person or partnership to supply (otherwise than as an officer of the PDF) investment management services to the PDF;

(e) a change in the name or address of a person or partnership so engaged;

(f) the end of such an engagement;

(g) a natural person beginning to supply such services to the PDF:

(i) as an employee of a natural person who is so engaged; or

(ii) as an officer of a body corporate that is so engaged; or

(iii) as a member or employee of a partnership that is so engaged, or as an officer of a body corporate that is such a member;

(h) a change in the name or address of a natural person who supplies such services as mentioned in paragraph (g);

(i) a natural person ceasing to supply such services as so mentioned;

(j) a change in the PDF ' s issued or paid-up share capital;

(k) a change in the address of the PDF ' s registered office;

(l) a change in the PDF ' s constitution so that it no longer satisfied the PDF constitution requirement;

(m) any other information that the PDF gave to the Board in connection with its registration application, or otherwise under this Act, ceasing to be correct, or being discovered to be incorrect;

(n) a significant change affecting a matter to which such information relates.

42(3)   [Additional particulars]  

These are the additional particulars:

(a) in the case of an event referred to in paragraph (2)(a) or (g) - the person ' s name, address, occupation, qualifications and experience;

(b) in the case of an event referred to in paragraph (2)(d):

(i) the name and address of the person or partnership; and

(ii) in the case of a natural person - the person ' s occupation, qualifications and experience.

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